
Narine Khachatryan
4 min readMar 16, 2019

If you are yet another 20-year-old BIG person who found him/herself in a big (or small) company working with people who are almost twice your age (well, the minimum age difference is 6 years, and the maximum…they’re twice your age), with 0 experience of knowing what a professional working atmosphere is and with 0 understanding what may go on in that company, then all I wanna say is

“ Welcome to the club”. Yes, we exist.

It happened that at the age of 20 I’ve already managed to work in 4 different companies. A full-time office job which is not really the dream — place for a 18 year old child-egoed girl. But this article is not to complain, because I actually am not complaining about my life, I’m here to give you some tips and tricks on how to build a professional working character and professional communication with the people you work with.

Business communication is a thing, this is what matters in work most of the time, because it’s all about being confident, claiming your arguments, knowing how to talk and argue with your managers, knowing what you are capable of, and knowing what you can exactly do for the company.

What does confident communication mean?

Have you ever met a person at work that whatever s/he says you are ready to accept and do exactly what s/he told? You think why is that? It’s because s/he is a great manupulator. These kind of people are the masters of selling their ideas, they can persuade, they can make you think the way they want you to think, and if you’re just a stressed rabbit, they WILL control you.

What is in common in all these people? It’s just one thing — CONFIDENCE !

They are fucking confident.

You noticed that you don’t sometimes even hear what they say, you just listen how they say it. They are demanding and commending..that’s what they are..

So, confidence and confident communication skills are the most critical thing you need for a workplace, and trust me, you’ll love it !

How to make people believe in what you are saying ? My experience showed me that you have to.

- Believe in what you are saying. If you are not sure about whatever you’re speaking about, no one will ever believe and trust you. Be present at that moment and put all your energy and enthusiasm into words and pronounce every word precisely without having any doubt about what you are saying ( even if you’re wrong, trust me, it works)

-Reduce apologizing. This does not mean you should stop being polite and insult everyone and act like a not-disciplined- village girl, it means reduce sentences like this.

“ Is this too much to ask?”, “Sorry for asking 27368 questions, you know I’m worried and I really wanna do my tasks before the deadline”, “I don’t think I can do these as I don’t have enough experience, and I’m too young, and I’m worried and I’m afraid (probably without ever understanding the task).

Try to understand what they are expecting from you, if your manager is not clear about what s/he expects and wants from you, ask directly to him/her, what are his/her expectations ? You won’t believe how easy your life will become if you ask questions and wait for answers.

- BREATH !! In any situation in your life, never forget to breath. If this sentence sounds pointless for you , then the next time you’re asked a question you don’t know the answer of just breath deeply, it balances your thoughts, reduces the future little stress you’re about to have and helps you to concentrate on the question more. Do not forget to ask “Will you please clarify what did you mean?” , “Can you explain the content of the sentence, I didn’t really catch it?” etc.

-Ask questions. If you don’t understand even ONE simple word your manager or whoever is saying, ask him/her/them what he/she/they mean. If people talk and there’s a flow of misunderstanding in your brain maybe it’s not your fault, maybe they just could not construct their speech in a way so it would be understandable. Ask whatever you don’t understand and WAIT till they are finished with answering, if after that you still don’t understand, ask them to clarify as much as it’s needed, because on the deadline of the task they won’t admit any justification on why the task is not as they expected it to be. Understand fully what you are doing and rock it !

As a conclusion I may add that all you need to be is to be yourself, you know what is right for you, and you know how to do it, just let it happen and don’t push or overthink it ( I should say these things to me every day). Business is not easy, communication is not easy as well, they take a long-time work, and you better keep an eye on it.



Narine Khachatryan

The only real revolution is the revolution of DMIN ♥️